History Religion and Law in the Empire (also a couple of surrounding nations):
History of the Rotahl Empire: Begins 101 years before the New Calendar with the "Early Giolus Dynasty," a term used by modern historians, and Kingdom of Rotahl. This kingdom maintained a hegemony over the lands to the West of the Heavensrech Mountains which divide the continent in two from north to south. The Kingdom of Rotahl adopted the First Faith in 53 to avoid its religious subordination to the Grand Monarchy of Karnaan. On adopting the First faith and doing away with its earlier polytheistic one the Kingdom of Rotahl re-established itself as the Rotahl Empire, naming itself after a legendary "Harperion Empire." The the modern Bundarte Empire draws legitimacy as successors of Rotahl. (Silver Killing Intent).
Collapse of the Rotahl Empire: Following the "Great Revolution" in 220 provoked by the tyranny of the Chancellor at the time and the sacking of the imperial capital of Odieunau in 222 The Rotahl Empire began to collapse. A religious civil war (234-239 between two First Faith factions the state religion of Western Orthodoxy and True Inheritors) caused a more total collapse. The age following its destruction is known as "the age of strife" beginning in 245. The Early Giolus Dynasty fell in 248 to the Garfurian mercenary Graccion. The Chancellor at the time, not the same one as during the great revolution, smuggled the complete set of crown jewels out of the capital to the fortress city of Halreau and crowned himself the successor of the Rotahl Empire. This was called the Feyterre Dynasty but it was overthrown by a member of the Giolus dynasty's surviving imperial family. Rotahl loyalists consider this "late Giolus dynasty" the true successor. This did not save them from being overthrown by the Celdonoire Dynasty. Feyterre and Celdonoire's lack of legitimacy sometimes gets them called "Imposter Dynasties" (Silver killing Intent). The late Giolus dynasty met its end under the regency of Empress Haculea due to what is now called "Haculea's folly." She was the widow of the third emperor of the late Giolus dynasty and considered the Bundarte people "barbarians." To prevent the throne from going to one she adopted a nephew and had him crowed with herself as regent. This decreased support for the Empire among the nobility and many chose to defect to Duke Bundarte under the pretext of "reinforcing the border." The split between Empress Haculea and the Bundarte people prevented her from calling for aid when the capital was under attack thus leading to the collapse of the late Giolus dynasty and giving Carmine both the opportunity and cause to found his own empire (Before His Grave).
Before the Founding of Bundarte Empire
The Bundartians were a nomadic, equestrian people indigenous to the region now known as the Garfure Republic which lies to the Northeast of the current Empire. A branch clan named Garde distinguished themselves and were landed by the Early Giolus Dynasty. Other clans later joined or were driven to them making them a fairly major power. Additionally while they were not able to prevent the Early Giolus dynasty's fall they did shelter a member of the imperial family and marry into it thus granting them the title of Duke (highest rank of Imperial nobility) leading to the late Giolus dynasty. When Graccion, a Garfurian mercenary declaring himself emperor by possession of the crown jewels, the Regime Wars started with the Celdinoire Dynasty joining in. A group of rank-and file officers gathered up a number of key items, flag and coat of arms, crown, seal of office and broke through the siege around the capital. These were later presented to Duke Bundarte later Emperor Carmine (the original not the MC) (Silver killing Intent).
History of the Garfurian republic
The Garfurian republic is the original home of the Bundartian people. The late Giolus Dynasty fell to the Kingdom of Garfure, lead at the time by the grandchild of Graccion who remains a hero to the Garfurian people. The Regime Wars as they are known took Garfurian from kingdom to empire to modern day republic (Silver killing Intent).
History of the Bundarte Empire
A distant relative of the former emperor named Cardinal founded the current Bundarte Empire 145 years before the MC was born (The Day a Leader Was Born) or 310 by New Calendar standard, 150 years before 460. The MC is the eighth emperor of the Bundarte Empire (Mana Absorption). Previous Emperors include:
Crown Prince Jean: The Emperor's late father, and the only son of the previous Emperor Edward IV (Inheritance Law). He was married to Acretia with lady Norn de Alleman, who died in prison when the Emperor was four, and one other (later we learn is named Vera-Sylvie in "If It Stinks Put a Lid on It") as concubines. Also had a natural child with a commoner woman (Funeral Prayer). Has two sisters, still living. One married and is now the queen of a foreign nation the other is unmarried. Died in battle (Inheritance Law).
First Faith: The Empire's religion. Founded by the legendary Ein who was born on a neighboring continent. According to the faith he could hear the voice of God but didn't believe it instead thinking that it was mere witchcraft. When God made him an "Illuminatus" thus granting him the power of miracles Ein finally believed and went forth as God's messenger. During this time he encountered all sorts of hardships but overcame them with the power of miracles until arriving on same continent as the Empire where his teachings spread (Funeral Prayer). Ein's arrival on the continent is year one of the New Calendar, the continental standard (The Day a Leader Was Born). Once he arrived on the Eastern Continent (where the Empire is) his follows more advanced technology allowed the First Faith to spread (Chance Encounter). The First Faith is the state religion of nearly every nation on the continent. It is monotheistic and primarily concerned with living in accordance with God's teachings as left behind by the Illuminatus Ein called the "Prime Tenets." It also contains a holy scripture which contains words gathered by Ein's disciples after his passing. (Which is Truly Terrifying: God, or Man). The First Faith forbids suicide (The Ancient Watchmen). The First Faith first spread on the eastern side of the Heavensreach Mountains. It also contains several denominations including:
Imperial Faith: Influenced by the "Apocalyptist creed." Believes the Imperium was a sacred nation recognized by Ein himself. The first denomination to be enshrined as a state religion. When the end comes only the Imperium would be saved as it was the "chosen land." True Inheritors: Also influenced by the "Apocalyptist creed" though they believe the chosen land to be where Ein first set foot on the continent hence Tomis-Ashinaqui as True Inheritors desire to conqueror that place. Fundamentalism: Believe that Ein's teachings include no apocalyptic messages and that a formally recognized church isn't a necessary vehicle for prayer. Orthodoxy: Founded by Fundamentalist moderates and Imperial Faith reformists. State religion for every nation east of the Heavensreach Mountains that was an enemy of the Imperium. Western Orthodoxy: Formed when the Rotahl Empire after adopting the True Inheritors as a state religion found they were theologically subservient to a vassal state. To solve the resulting political crisis a new religion was formed. Regressionists: the most conservative of the "True Inheritors" formed thisEmpire's Laws: The Bundarte Empire speaking very generally has two sets of laws. One is a holdover from the previous Rotahl Empire and the other are the laws of the Bundarte people who migrated to the Rotahl Empire before it collapsed and became nobility. In terms of inheritance "Familial Law" refers to the laws of the Bundarte people while "Imperial Law" refers to the leftover laws of the old Rotahl Empire. Familial Law does not recognize female inheritance (Agnatic primogeniture) but Imperial Law does, albeit it is male biased (Male-preference primogeniture). Both laws are on the books making legal matters potentially quite confusing (Inheritance Law).